The PTG Foundation publishes books related to piano technology. Many of these books are available in the PTG Store and sales of these items benefit the PTG Foundation.

Autobiography of Virgil Smith
By Virgil Smith
In a narrative that brings his world fully to life, Golden Hammer recipient Virgil Smith, one of PTG’s most popular teachers, describes his unexpected journey from music professor to sought after concert technician. The book also includes a reprint of his New Techniques for Superior Aural Tuning (2003) as well as a second book on tuning that he was completing at the time of his death in 2010.

The Art of Tuning
By Claude Montal; Translated by Fred Sturm, RPT
The first comprehensive text on piano tuning, construction, and repair ever written. Filled with historical details concerning the pianos of the mid-19th century, The Art of Tuning documents the technology, tools, and techniques used during the most vibrant period in the development of the pianoforte. This translation masterfully preserves the direct and approachable style of the original.

A History of Midwestern Piano Manufacturing
By Jack Greenfield
This fascinating book provides an in depth look at the piano makers of the Midwest, their progress, and their place in the industry. 156 pages.

Aural Tuning: A Master Class DVD
By Virgil Smith and Alan Zajicek
This 90-minute DVD includes a video recording of a class presented for the Chicago, IL PTG Chapter by RPTs Virgil Smith and Alan Zajicek. You’ll enjoy the demonstration of Virgil’s patented 35-minute tuning along with commentary from both Virgil and Alan. Proceeds from the sale of “Aural Tuning: A Master Class” DVDs are divided between the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation and the Chicago PTG Virgil Smith Associate Scholarship fund.

Piano Action Handbook
Compiled by Randy Potter, RPT, 1991
Contains manufacturer action regulating dimensions for pianos marketed in North America, plus dimensions for many instruments no longer in production. 63 pages.

Longitudinal Modes in Piano Strings
By James Ellis, RPT
A detailed description of observation, study, research and experimentation into the mechanisms that excite longitudinal modes in piano strings. 78 pages.
Currently out of print

New Techniques for Superior Aural Tuning
By Virgil Smith
A guide to achieving the highest standard of aural tuning with step-by-step descriptions. 42 pages.
Now included in Virgil Smith Autobiography